Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I do my best to constantly learn as I go, take in the surroundings, internalize, organize, sort and move on - for some reason in my running life I have had the hardest time adapting to change.  I set my schedule, rain, snow or shine and crank through it regardless of how I feel.  With this summer of running, however, I can taste this phase of adaptation: I am not 14 - I am 35!!! While not old by any stretch - my body needs more TLC than it did 5 years ago.  Example: after a very, very hot 8 mile run yesterday in the heat of the day I came home, didn't drink or eat enough and thought it would be a good idea to go out for a 16 mile run this morning before work.  Ahhh... Well, I did it - but my pee is STILL burnt orange after more than 32 oz of liquid and my weight went from 108 to 101 - 7lbs of water lost!!!!

I will be smarter from now on - I swear.  No matter how jealous I am of my kid and his speedy, nice weather trail running...He can go to XC Camp, run 60 miles in 5 days after running a total of maybe 90 miles in the previous 2 months combined and adapt just as quick. All he needs are a few ice baths and by weeks end he’ll come out with a new 5K PR - whereas I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed by Thursday’s race. So I’m slowly learning to adapt to aging, to slowing down, to having to truly “take care” of my body. The process of adaptation is fascinating as we are both running in totally different avenues. He’s getting faster every day, with every run, and I’m starting the gradual process of declining times and shorter mileage runs. I’m in the in-between, not quite a master yet but truly over the hill athletically. I MIGHT have one or two more PR’s in my tank - if all variables come together in a perfect moment - but truthfully it’s time to sit down, evaluate and figure out new goals for the next years of my running life. I think that’s one of the main reasons I’m so excited about this journey to 50 miles. It’s no longer about times, speed, very precise form. It’s just about running because I can. It’s about pushing myself into a new realm of fitness, pushing my mind to focus....

So while Eric’s runs are largely progressive and improvement, mine are changing into testing new limits and limitations and fighting off the natural process of getting older. I love this! I love that running changes with you. I love that it sticks around regardless of age, weather, busy schedules - and I especially love that it is a long, constant, beautiful story that weaves throughout my whole family’s life. I think I might finally be at peace with adapting in my running world.

Miles Run 48 + 1.5 hours swimming +2 hours biking +2 hours resistance/yoga

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Easy, Breezy, Peaceful Beach Days

Another vacation week away from home - another wonderful, peaceful, quiet time with family. My running isn’t coming along the way it should be as I am “supposed” to be preparing for a marathon in just under 3 months - followed by the 50 miler 5 weeks later, but I am running everyday. Our beach runs have been wonderful. I’ve run with Big E, My E, & Conrad almost everyday - in the rain, searing heat, lovely morning air, you name it. That being said - with only 12 weeks to go before Chicago - I know this upcoming week I have to hunker down and actually start training. I need to become disciplined about my speedwork, long runs, extra cross training, and upping the miles to an acceptable level. I’ll shoot for 60 miles next week and 8-10 hours of cross training - We’ll see how that goes.... In the meantime - I’m happy to note that I have fully fallen back in love with running. It’s stolen my heart once again, and perhaps I just needed these few weeks of no watch, no calendar running to find that space. Now it’s off for a run in my new Kinvara’s to start off the week right - let’s burn some pavement.

Miles Run - 45(ish).... Does playing in the ocean count as cross training? 5+ hours!

Monday, July 12, 2010


I’m on holiday and will keep this short. My cross training has expanded to include road biking - and I love it! It’s much easier to exercise outside when you’re going 20 mph with the wind. I haven’t been on my plan these past two weeks as I’ve been traveling and out of my element - but I have continued running 6 days a week, including 2 speedworks and 2 long runs. I’ve run around the lake, at the beach, on the melting pavement, in the mountains, through the woods, in a serious rainstorm, with my boys... Not one day have I been blessed with anything approaching good weather - BUT - I’m pushing along anyhow, and I do feel fit. Next week it’s time to hunker down and get back to my intense training. I’ve got 13 weeks till Chicago - my normal time to start marathon training!

Miles run 90 +2 hours biking +3 hours resistance training + 2 hours swimming