I started the mental journey back in April during the STL marathon. My brain had time to wander and sift during those long hours in the heat - I knew, I was dead certain, that 50 miles was well within my wheelhouse. I got excited, overwhelmed, almost brought to tears - all during the 26.2 mile race. My mind and body were already somewhere else. I came home, read up, started a blog, created a ‘pseudo’ marathon/50 mile training plan and honestly dedicated myself to becoming stronger and fitter. I did exercises I never thought I would attempt, began cross training in earnest and even managed to get in most of my long runs during our extended vacation. At some point in July I signed, sealed and delivered our 50 mile entry forms, complete with our marathon times (supposedly good enough to qualify us a place as they have a lottery system with approximately 10,000 entrants for 1,000 spots.) But I still wasn’t quite sure how the whole thing worked. I figured I’d send it - they’d look at it and decide we weren’t yet ready for 50 miles and reject us. Even though the training was progressing and the promise of a guaranteed entry was spelled out on the website - I was still prepared in the mind to not get into the race - and then we did. And the honest reality, the seeing our names in the alphabetical listing, well it sort of took my breath away. I’m so excited for this. I’m beyond that Conrad will be my partner in crime, and I just want it to get here already! That being said, this week in training was equal parts exhausting and successful. I’m truly ramping it up now, adding the speed element 2x a week and keeping the long run as quality as I can. And when I look at the training plan post Chicago, I get all giddy that it’s just 10-15 mile runs each day with a 4+ hour run on the weekends. No need for speed - just get up and go running. I think I’m going to love this ultra thing!
Mile run 66 + 1.5 hour crosstraining (my pool is closed for cleaning and re-striping!)
Good post. Wish my training was going as well. What an awful week!! Hope I can at least get the long one in on Sunday.