Monday, May 17, 2010

Rain, Rain, Rain.....

10 days and counting...everything is damp, all the time - our towels will not dry, my shoes are squishy and chilly when I pull them over my socks. I’m tired of this weather! Everyday this week it was either threatening to rain or raining during my run - a no sunglasses necessary week. I managed to capture all 6 runs on the plan anyhow, and for 3.5 of them I had a partner, my teenage Eric. Our Saturday run, which was scheduled to be a “recovery” 6 mile day for me after my Friday speed session, was a breakthrough moment for Eric. Having the opportunity to feed off that energy was empowering and fitness building, if not a little silly on my part. With puddles and mud and rain coming down Eric decided to go cross country in the park, and I followed along - mud caking the backs of our legs, shoes growing heavier with each stride, we had an absolute blast. Eric hit every puddle with the joy of little kid stomping around post rainstorm, and I couldn’t help but smile - especially when he blurted out mid-stride, “I really love running.” Of course, he was in such good spirits after 4 weeks off running that I could barely keep pace with him. As he glided along at a 6:00ish pace I had to let him run ahead. I kept telling myself quietly - slow down Kristen this is your recovery day. BUT watching your kiddo in a moment of pure bliss, well that makes the exhaustion, the soreness, the difficulty on the Sunday long run all worth it. Witnessing someone else discover the essential feeling of physical power and exhaustion of the purest form = priceless. And after more intense running than anticipated this week I am very much looking forward to a down mileage week - starting off with shooting a Big River commercial this evening. I get to play a fast runner. “Play” is the operative word here, as I just don’t feel anywhere near fast yet - hopefully a few more weeks of base building will help....

Miles run: 40 + 1 hour swimming + 1 hour resistance training

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